Declaración de Kevin James, candidato a Abogado de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles

One year into the pandemic, the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community continues to be targeted in violent hate crimes coming from racist sentiments related to COVID-19.  And recent crime reports confirm the alarming news that these hate crimes against the AAPI community are on the rise.

While leaders throughout Southern California are speaking out against this hate targeting the AAPI community and taking action within their own districts and legislative bodies, the only way to fully stop these crimes is for everyone to step up and call out racism and xenophobia whenever we see it occur.   Although every act of hate in the form of verbal abuse or threats may not itself be a direct act of violence, such acts create the foundation upon which acts of violence are based.  Therefore, all forms of hate based on racism should be reported.

As City Attorney, I would ensure that all branches and units within the Criminal Division of the office immediately prioritize all complaints of such conduct for investigation and potential prosecution.  As I shared on Day 1 of my campaign for City Attorney, our office will create a Civil and Human Rights and Equity Unit within the City Attorney’s Office to work in line with the City’s Civil and Human Rights and Equity Department — this will ensure the continued prioritization of ending hate crimes and attacks against AAPIs and all vulnerable communities in the City.

Paid for by Kevin James for City Attorney 2022 – FPPC ID 1435508

249 E. Ocean Blvd. #670, Long Beach, CA 90802.Additional information is available at